Detached garage conversion into office/studio/hobby space
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Detached garage conversion into office/studio/hobby space

by Ggoose » Wed Oct 20, 2021 8:31 pm


We are interested in converting our detached garage (which is situated in our closed off back garden) into a space where we could do hobbies, maybe work etc..

We don’t need it to be classified as “habitable” or as an extra room on our existing property, more like a workshop/art studio. No plumbing wanted, but we would need power hooked up, insulated walls, floor, ceiling and ventilation. All within the shell already provided.

Is the fact it would be a workshop/studio something that helps with costs? I have heard that it would mean we wouldn’t have to comply to building regs, is this true? (Not meaning it won’t be done well, but that there would be certain things we wouldn’t need to have done to claim it as a “living space”)

So long as I make sure the usage rights are in order with local authority I should be good to go?

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