Leak from pipe under sink despite no use for days.
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Leak from pipe under sink despite no use for days.

by tomek154 » Sun Nov 21, 2021 12:47 am

Evening all

I'm confused. I have a leak from one of two pipes that come down from my bathroom sink tap under my sink, but it appears to be leaking a cup full of water every 3 or 4 hours despite me not using the sink for a number of days now. It's the pipe that comes directly from the tap and the leak appears to be from where it takes a turn about 8 or so inches down.

I haven't been able to get someone out due to my shifts so someone is coming out next week, i was just wondering why on earth is it still leaking even now without any use

I've tried to enclose a photo here but i'm getting an error message. Can obviously send a pic if required.

Any pointers appreciated


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