by Davidgr0034 »
Wed Feb 02, 2022 6:48 pm
We bought a house a few months ago and replaced a downstairs bathroom radiator BEFORE ever firing up the boiler. We then tee'd off another radiator for the kitchen. Neither radiator really gets warm. Directly above these radiators is the boiler in a bedroom. I can see the pipe work and the 2 x 22mm from the boiler are hot , the 2 x 15mm to all the other radiators are hot, and 1 of the 2 x 15mm to the new rads are hot. I've flushed the pipes and checked water flow through them, i've checked i dont have dodgy valves anywhere but still the heat is only spreading slowly through the pipes as though the water isnt flowing. An air lock seems the only answer yet I cant see where one can have formed. HELP PLEASE!!!