Need some advice on treating aeroplane noise pollution please. Live under Heathrow flightpath in Wandsworth (planes at 3000ft) and I am getting 777s peaking at 45db through my uPVC double glazing which is a 5am wake-up call. The glazing is 20 yrs old and is only stopping about 20-25db I believe. The oddity is I used to live 2 floors up a bit further back from the river and I didn't have the same problem... sound might be bouncing off the building opposite ☹️
Pics below show a bedroom sliding door, a 2nd bedroom window, and then example felt seal for sliding door and the seals on the window. I'm not sure if replacing the seals will do anything (on the window they look to be fine)? There are trickle vents but I don't think they are the only source of the noise ingress.
Replacing frames I have to get permission from ripoff freeholder because all flats need to look the same. I'm aware acoustic glass may only make a few extra db difference. I can't put secondary glazing on the window as it opens inwards, unless I use acrylic and magnets around the inner casement edge (which would look terrible). Secondary glazing may be possible for the sliding doors but will kill resale value and I'm already massively down, sigh. any tips welcome.