by The Heating Doctor »
Tue Oct 16, 2007 7:35 pm
You can thank the Chinese for the price of metal on this one, a standard 36" x 18" cylinder can cost from £120 + Vat to around £180 + Vat that is almost double what it would have cost 2 years ago. The Immersion heater will also need replacing around the £20 mark as the existing one is not up to code. Depending on quality of tank 15 to 20 years life span is a fair estimate. What you have to figure is around £600 for around half a days labour reasonable and is the price including or plus VAT? I have not seen the job but it seems a lot to change a cylinder but there may be reasons for this i.e. he will need to employ an electrcian to wire the immersion heater and perform a full wiring check to meet part P requirements. Make sure this is included, if it is then it becomes more of a resonable price. Do not pay any money up front wait to pay once the job is complete and you have the part P documentation.
Part P refers to the current building regulations if in doubt what this is about do a internet search or contact your local building officer at the council.