by BLAKEY1963 »
Sat Oct 20, 2007 6:47 pm
[quote="goyathley"]Hi,i'm having a problem with my kitchen extractor fan,it is just driving me mad,there seemed to be a problem a long time ago with it,it has 3 speed levels,i remember sometimes the 3.speed button was not working properyl when press the button, i remember one night i woke up with a loud sound in the house,i rushed the downstairs and found out that was the fan working at 3.speed level which is didnt work properly :( then one day it is just compelety stop to working,nothing seems to be worked,not even the lights on it,i checked the fuse which was ok,so i couldnt find a problem,get some electrician to have a look it one day,they said there was electric coming to fan,so they didnt really know what was the they basicly said it was probably the motor,but i never really thought that was the cause of the problem,anyway i didnt do anything about it for a long while,so then i decided to buy new one,then one day i just try it again one more time before buying a new one,then it's just worked,everything seemed working ok,including i was so happy about that,so i thought that saved me to buying from new one,but not long after on another attempt to start it,unfortunately it didnt work again,then i just left it like that.then next day when i press the button one more time to see if there was any action and guess it was working again,i know sound is like joke,but these are just true,then on same day on a differrent time when i attempt to use it,didnt work again,now it doesnt work,i dont know what is causing that problem,i reckon it is something minor,probably kind of connection problem in the button panel,i'm sure that it is not the motor anyway,i wonder anybody in this forum could give me some advice to get the fix the cause this problem,many thanks,[/quote]
I would advise due to the intermittent problems that are
occuring with this unit , u would be best to replace it.