Cheaper power tools
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Posts: 37
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Cheaper power tools

by AndyB » Sat Oct 20, 2007 11:30 pm

Hi, I,ve just spotted a biscuit jointer in Aldi, at a price of £19.99, made by Power Craft.When I buy tools I always tend to buy the best I can so I'm sceptical about the quality and the quality of the job it will produce.The unbeliveable thing about it is when you buy a 'quality make' you will get a 12 month guarantee but with the powercraft one they give you a 3 year guarantee. I know £19.99 isn't alot of money but was wondering if any of you out there have tried these cheap tools.

Posts: 104
Joined: Sun Jul 15, 2007 1:50 pm

by Oddbod » Sun Oct 21, 2007 10:05 am


Apart from the motor, which'll probabably sound like a bag of nails (but so what for DIY use) and the fact that it won't like being dropped or otherwise treated a trade tool, the two thinks that'll really show up are the quality of the bearings and the quality of the blade. You can't do much about the former, but the changing the latter often makes a heck of an improvement.

But to be quite honest what have you got to lose at that price.

If you go for it, pls let us know how you get on. I'd love to hear the results

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