Oil Storage Tanks
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The Heating Doctor
Posts: 214
Joined: Mon Aug 27, 2007 10:49 am

Oil Storage Tanks

by The Heating Doctor » Mon Oct 22, 2007 11:20 pm

Any one who has a oil storage tank should read this very carefuly. Since 2006 it is the owners responsibility to regularly inspect there oil tank and make sure that in the event of a leak that the oil can not enter any water way or enter the water table, farming or grazing land. All oil tanks that could do this must have a brick bund that can hold the contents of the tank in the event of a leak or the tank must be of a double skin construction. Those with steel oil tanks are most at risk. You must also have any oil lines checked out. Plain copper is not suitable for this job as the copper must be plastic coated or a suitable plastic pipe must be used. Failure to carry out these checks could lead to massive fines. If a new tank is to be installled then a risk assesment must be carried out by the installer, failure to carry out correct procedure again can result in massive fines. An installer in a recent court case was fined £12500 + £10000 costs because a oil line corroded and leaked in to a small stream. His fine would have been higher but a building inspector had passed the system, so had to shoulder some blame. The self build developer was fined £2500. Do not say you have not been told.