Boiler noise
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Joined: Thu Nov 01, 2007 6:19 pm

Boiler noise

by LyndaP » Thu Nov 01, 2007 6:32 pm

Our boiler is making a terrible wailing noise and no-one seems to know what is causing it.

2 plumbers now have drawn a blank and the problem seems to be getting worse. The noise is like a wailing whistling noise that reverbrates through the whole house - and next doors too which is making us really popular with the neighbours.

The boiler is a Glow worm Xtrafast 120 fanned flue boiler fitted along with the rest of the CHS in 2004.

The noise is not linked to whether the boiler is firing or not and even when in desperation we turn the boiler off, the noise still happens. WE have to turn off the stopcock to the whole hot water system to stop it. Of course this means we have no heat or hot water most evenings.

One plumber replaced the heating safety valve and added noise reduction fluid and the other fitted a larger expansion cylinder and changed the storage vessel safety vale- neither of which made a shade of difference.

One plumber suggested it could be to do with the fan or something which keeps the boiler 'ticking over' even when it is not firing, but surely this would not work if the boiler is off?

Any advice appreciated - its getting quite chilly in the evenings now!!