by stemac123 »
Wed Nov 14, 2007 5:22 pm
hello rnd sound `s like you are working it before it drys heres 4 stages of skimming a wall
1 first seal the wall ... Brush the walls with PVA glue mixed with water to kill the suction about 2 or 3 coats
2. lay down your first coat (scratch coat) about 1 mm thick.. dont worry about blemishes at this time!
3. after about 5 mins put you second coat on about 2 mm thick
4. after about 8 to 10 mins as the plaster is going off take your trowel and wet it with a brush and start from left to right flattening down all the marks and filling the blemishes use the plaster what on your trowel to fill them and allway keep the trowel wet
5. "wet troweling it" as its going off ,,, get your brush and fick water on part of the wall and go along it with your trowel pressing hard to get any little marks out that are left
6 if needed repeat 5 again
7. dry trowel once it has gone off to get a nice smooth finish