Help no Ch but HW
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Help no Ch but HW

by Ashley » Wed Nov 21, 2007 11:06 pm

I have just replaced my central heating pump as prior to this I had no hot water or heating. i replaced pump with exact Grundoff replacement.
Now I have hot water again but alas no heating.
I imagine the cause of this is that I need a replacement 3 way valve.
Is there anyway of checking this before spending more money.
The pipe leading from the 3 way valve to rads is cold yet if i open bleed valves on rads the water spurts out:::
I can hear pump moving and have bled the pump??
Is there an electrical test I can perform??
there is also a lever of sorts on the side of the 3 way valve what does this do.. problem is that seems hard to reach and seized.
Any advise or tips thanks Ashley..

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Joined: Fri Oct 26, 2007 7:42 pm

by marrtin » Thu Nov 22, 2007 4:02 pm

The lever you mention is for manually operating the valve. It moves from left to right across the face of the valve and a fair resistance will be felt. It operates a high rotation gearing within the valve, and will take 3 - 5 seconds to cross the slot. This slot it runs in is in the shape of a question mark, and you should be able to hook the tip of the lever into the end to stop it returning to the closed position.

Oh, and if the valve is already "switched on", and open, then this lever will appear loose and flop about.

Once this valve is open, providing the boiler and pump are on, the rads should heat up.

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