My sister knew I was looking for a new downstairs toilet as mine was damaged so in a closing down sale bought me a close coupled toilet which was great but the cistern innards were all in a loose bag.
On researching the internet I find it is European push button and I have only three bits to it
I have found a picture on this site and the only bits I have are the middle bit
without the screw top nut and bottom fittings and to the left of the picture I have the upright tube without any fittings no push button fittings and only a red ball float without any fittings.
I feel that my lack of knowledge on this type of fitting and where to go to get them is a hinderence and I need the names of the parts and the cheapest way of aqiuiring them.
Once given these I need instructions for me and Mr Me to fit them
The model is a Corva Chamomile wc pan & cistern bought from a closing down sale of Fo*us.
any help will be valuable as I dont want to let my sister know this was costly.