No1 Pet hate-Sash windows!
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Joined: Thu Nov 15, 2007 6:21 pm

No1 Pet hate-Sash windows!

by lazens » Thu Nov 29, 2007 6:58 pm

We would be extremly reluctant now to rent any property with Sash Windows.
We have suffered enough winters.
Most of the Sash windows we have ever had have been prone to mould,jammed shut,ill fitting,warped,draughty(dont you just love sticking little bits of screwed up newspaper in the right spot until you have to open them and start all over?)a nightmare to partially open as they just jam or slip down,they ought to banned!
We currently rent with modern PVC windows and the fact that these were installed were a prime reason for us accepting the tenancy.That of course is very little.Todays younger tenants from Europe expect a washing machine,air conditioning and weve even heard them asking if there was a lift and dishwasher!!!!!!!
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