by anne groome »
Tue Apr 10, 2007 12:04 am
Well, it is greqt to know at least two people who feel the same way about the laminate flooring and diy instructions and customer care. At Band Q I also took back the saw they sold for the job, about half way through the job, 10square metres, the saw seemed to become blunt just as you had to cut out the intricate bits. The manager at the store proceeded to demonstrate that it was sawing perfectly well, however he then let slip that had fitted hundreds of these floors .... I have been looking at my floor since all of this and am deciding whether I should take it up and start again using the bits that were not ruined, I must say that those mdf click in edges are very fragile, where I had to dismantle acouple of times the whole lot fell off, and left nothing to click in to and then the little bits get stuck in the grooves only to cause more porblems and frustration. The man at B and Q said you must use a little brush to get rid of the little bits before you try to fit the pieces together, that is not in the instructions iether, in fact the instruction s don't even mention the bits falling off. The instructions say you can take whole floors up and fit them somewhere else!!! Ive only tried to take up small areas and the whole edges disintegrate without much effort atall. So I now spend time just looking at the floor in the conservatory as the heat rises and the floor expands and wander shall I just fill the gaps with filler and put up with the movement when you walk on it, ot do I start again???? Help!!!!