by 333rocky333 »
Sun Dec 16, 2007 5:53 pm
Should work in any combination of switch positions, may be switch was always connected wrong .
Sounds like your live is at the common of one of the two way switches and the switch live is at the common of the other two way switch,the red and blue are the two way strappers between both two way switches using the L1 and L2 terminals and is why the yellow is not connected .
As others said you also have a intermediate switch, if you remove that intermediate switch and link red to red and also the blue to blue ,try both the two way switches and see if they both now work correct.
If ok look at diagram on back of intermediate switch and reconnect so that red and blue of one cable pair switch across to red and blue of opposite cable pair in one switch position and in other switch position will link from red and blue of one cable pair this time to BLUE and RED of other cable pair.
As in this case both red and blue are being used as switchLIVES wrong connection would just cause switching to work only with certain combinations
Remember to isolate supply first!!