by 333rocky333 »
Mon Dec 24, 2007 6:48 pm
To be honest I am not sure.
The part p quide book shows you can still j/b off the ring circuit cable.
You used to be able to do it that way, that is why 32 J/bs come out with slanted entry and slot terminals , the idea was you could strip the sleeving without cutting the copper core and tee off to another socket, however nowadays you would not be able to sleeve the earth that way so most people just cut it.
Most people now spur from a socket.
The regs however also say the J/b has to be accessible which casts doubt on whether it is, if under the floorboards,this has been debated in previous posts earlier.
It would be ok to leave the one as you say spurred, but could you spur the other one from a different socket that does not have a spur off it.
Your method sounds feasible for two spurs
But you say you have two existing spurs and one new.
What you may be able to do is cut one leg of the ring near the existing spur wires so they are long enough to connect, fit two j/bs one on each side of the ring, wire two cables to your new socket to reform the ring including your new socket, then the two existing spurs now connect one only into each each of the two j/bs, creating two ring cable spurs.
Or you may be able to fit two j/bs on the ring cable one for each existing spur and also spur one from the ring socket ,although a bit of a lash it may conform.
Although not good practice you can have one spur off EACH ring socket.