We have an old semi-detached Victorian house which was constructed of solid (9") brick with no cavity. It is well insulated in the loft (although the tiles have no underlay/insulation) but the walls are very cold to touch during the cold weather and our bathroom (on an exposed corner) is like a morgue first thing in the morning !! All rooms are centrally heated and double glazed and condensation is a problem in all rooms during the winter - leading to mould on various areas.
I'm looking at methods of making the rooms warmer and increasing ventilation at the same time and I think my only solution is too dry-line the rooms according to relevant building regs. The question is - what regs would apply and what is the best method of dry lining (based on cost-effectiveness and pratcial application).
I am happy to undertake this work myself but am looking for advice on what does/not work and the best products to use for the job.