Today i visited someone , there was a noise coming from the potterton boiler on inspection the thing was running and you could see the flames but every one second the ignitor thing could be seen sparking.and the flame dipped slightly and came back up, this was continuous and was told it always done it!!
The flame lamp and the lockout lamp also flashed as it did this sometimes every second for over a minute
They said that a boiler engineer had said it was ok and the fault was external to the boiler
AS I am not corgi All I could do was check the spur supply for them,
I admit though I did remove the cover TO LOOK.
The only other things were a potterton 2000 timer,room stat, a 3 way motor valve a 2way N/C motor valve and what looked like a cylinder stat.
1. Am I allowed to take off the boiler cover to look as long as I dont touch I am an elect but not corgi
2.Would the ext stuff cause this problem as it is only seconds between the sparks
3. Could he temporary discon the ext wires and link out to just run the boiler to prove to us it is ok.
4. As the timer etc is remote from the boiler but fed from the same spur do you need to be corgi to test them if you DONT touch the boiler.
I am not going to fix it as we called out a third engineer just intrigued what it could be