Drainage and wastage systems and plumbing help, advice and answers

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by marc » Sat Jan 05, 2008 8:23 am

i have a problem where i live in a row of four houses and everyones guttering runs into a down pipe on my property which runs into a soakaway.The soakaway dosent seen to cope with the amount of wter and i end up with a big puddle outside my front door is there anything i can do?

htg engineer
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by htg engineer » Sun Jan 13, 2008 6:59 pm

Can you access the soakaway ?

is it clear ? or full of debri, leaves etc ?

The soakaway should be at least 5 metres away from any building (BS 8301)

Have a look on pavinexpert.com, under drainage.

Posts: 13
Joined: Sun Feb 03, 2008 10:40 am

by thedrainman » Sun Feb 03, 2008 11:00 am


Maybe a bit late at replying but, you should let all the owners of the other properties know there is a problem (Most will not want to know). Someone may know someone who can sort this, if not once you have checked the base of the pipe and bends for blockages (easy to do yourself). Remove the base where it goes into the ground, fill with water, if this backs up and floods then the blockage is between there and the soakaway or storm drain.

If the soakaway is blocked try plunging it, if not moving then the soakaway has given up, you can spend money on getting it jetted by a drain company but 9/10 will not clear. The soakaway will need replacing.

If you are fit and able to dig do it yourself,

Message me for details on how to if needed, im sure there is something on this site on soakaways.

Cost of a diy soakaway would be about £150 in materials if done right, this included removal of waste. Drain companies would charge between £450 and £800

Good Luck

Mark Thedrainman

Posts: 13
Joined: Sun Feb 03, 2008 10:40 am

by thedrainman » Sun Feb 03, 2008 11:02 am

Forgot to add,

Cost should be shared between all properties that use it.

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