by ericmark »
Wed Mar 05, 2008 6:37 pm
Freeview is split into 6 multiplexers. Each one contains approx one sixth of the programs available. Because these 6 signals have to be slotted into the existing network they can be all over the 21 - 68 i.e. 47 frequencies. So bad reception may have many reasons. Other transmittions on the same channel, reduced power on that channel because of interference, wrong frequency aerial and because there is a mixture of analogue and digital on the same band plan it is very hard to pin point. Video's, Sky boxes, Computer type games, Freeview boxes, etc all try to use the 47 frequencies if any of these happen to be on one that freeview use you can lose signal. And it may not be your stuff it could be something next door. And where you live you also have Europe's TV's also cutting across. Channel 5 etc. are a problem but using free to air sky dish and receiver will receive the ITV channels.