eccentric shower pump
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eccentric shower pump

by Cookoo » Wed Jan 02, 2008 10:07 pm

Type - Stuart Turner Showermate Twin Impeller 1.4 bar. I don t know
how old it is as we inherited it with house 4 years go.

Symptoms - pump will sometimes not operate immediately especially
when hot water taps turned on but will come on after a few
minutes. Pump will carry on working for a few minutes
after taps or shower turned off. Sometimes pump will come
on of own accord without any taps or shower being turned on

Thoughts - as you might have guessed I think there is something not quite
right with pipe connections. Plumber has just cut into hot water
pipe that runs from hot water cylinder and feeds rest of house
and connected pump inlet to it and then run the pump hot
water outlet back into same pipe. Has done the same with cold
water pipe that runs from cistern in loft. So basically apart
from cold water tap in kitchen ( mains ) everything ; taps
toilet and appliances is running through the pump.

Is this right and the pump is just malfunctioning or knackered
it did work for first two years or so, and I just need to
replace it?

Do I need a different type of pump but can keep the pipe

Or something else?

Posts: 364
Joined: Tue Sep 25, 2007 8:35 pm

by bobplum » Wed Jan 02, 2008 10:50 pm

it appears to me that the pump is being used solely for the purpose of boosting all the hot water thru the house,if i have read your email correctly which it is not designed for
also it sounds like it is a continuous rated pump and any movement in water flow kick starts the pump
you need to change to a in line pump,grunfoss do one
hope that helps

Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Jan 02, 2008 9:26 pm

by Cookoo » Thu Jan 03, 2008 5:30 pm

[quote="bobplum"]it appears to me that the pump is being used solely for the purpose of boosting all the hot water thru the house,if i have read your email correctly which it is not designed for
also it sounds like it is a continuous rated pump and any movement in water flow kick starts the pump
you need to change to a in line pump,grunfoss do one
hope that helps[/quote]

Cheers Bobplum, what is the difference between continuos and in line pumps and if I get an in line pump will I be able to just take old one out and connect new one to the flexible pipes that were connected to the old one.

Posts: 364
Joined: Tue Sep 25, 2007 8:35 pm

by bobplum » Sat Jan 05, 2008 8:26 pm

Go to the central heating projects and contact one of the heating companies in them. There are proprietary pumps for this system & i think they called RHP Pumps(right house pumps)
you may have the right pump and it may need changing rather than a inline pump
good luck

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