by lindsaymcat »
Sun Jan 13, 2008 3:01 pm
can someone give me a basic outline of how the on-off bit of a pull-switch light cord works? bought a new ceiling light switch - a Volex 6A brass switch, got it wired up OK, but to get at the terminals, I had to unscrew the central fitting which housed the cord and springs, which of course fell out all over the floor. there is a sort of bowl, then a plastic shape with a projecting sort of crown - a set of points, then the light cord goes through a sort of several sided plastic piece which slots between the points of the 'crown' 2 springs and an sheet of copper or brass which I assume is the conductor. I put it together again as best I could, springs inside each other, strung on the cord, going into the bottom of the cup, then the two interlocked plastic bits on top, then the metal plate placed over the points of the interlocked plastic bits. obviously doing something right, as the light comes on, trouble is it doesn't switch off! what is the principle behind the way the switch operates so I can try and see what I'm doing wrong? diagrams and pictures really Helpful? I need to know what makes it go on and off if that makes any sense?