I'm trying to replace the bog standard central heating thermostat with a wireless programmable model - the existing one is a Drayton RTS 1 (so has 3 wires, N, L and #3 - call for heat).
I'm trying to add a Drayton +3RF (on the theory that as it's the same manufacturer it should be easy...) but running into problems with the wiring.
The +3RF has 4 connections (N, L, #1 - common and #3 - call for heat), but crypically in the instructions (below) it says if the '3RF is used without a separate programmer, or the programmer is set constantly on it would be acceptable to link 'L' to '1' provided the output voltage required is 230V ac'; I have a combi boiler (and have set the timer switch on the boiler to be on for all 24 hours) which I had thought took normal mains input, but doing this results in the new wall unit failing to come on at all (so doesn't send a signal to the boiler to come on etc).
I guess you could read the quote as saying attach the wire to N [u]and[/u] 1 but that doesn't seem to make sense, especially as the wire in the wall is a single piece so can't be split - could attach another short piece to it, but that sounds a bit shoddy.
Any ideas?? Otherwise I have a nice remote thermostat unit (2 parts) that can't turn on the boiler...