As it is such an old house the wiring is still in red/black and green. We have had an electrician come in and earth the house and fit the circuit breaker box so we know we are safe!! We've refitted our bathroom (thanks DIY Doctor!!) and are now installing new ceiling light. We know that red = live, black = neutral and green = earth. We've got the wiring diagram on the box for the light and all seems straightforward. (We managed to do standard celing roses no problem) However. There are 4 segments to the junction box and the diagram is showing us 8 wires. We have 9 wires. 3 neutral 3 live 3 earth. We can't fit 3 wires into the holes (and probably shouldn't attempt it!!) What do we do?
( I just know the answer will be call an electrician!!!) :(