by kbrownie »
Wed Jan 23, 2008 10:07 pm
hi sgbass,
Is wired into ceiling rose or connection strip?
Firstly a red and a black come from switch and a red and a black come from previous supply. It would be good if these could be identified!
It should work if you connect the two reds together. One red is your live supply and the other goes to your switch.
Then connect one black to the neutral side of lamp (blue wired flex) that should be your in-coming supply
and the other to the black to the live side of lamp (brown wired flex) this should be your other switch wire and have brown sleeve on it or red tag and the earth to earth terminal should really be two earths see if theres one got away in the ceiling.
Good Luck
remember to safely isolate electrical circuits before you carry out any work.