by kbrownie »
Sat Jan 26, 2008 8:00 pm
Hi vanessa10,
Loop-in lighting circuits work like this:
You have a live, neutral and an earth, that are supplied from either another light or the consumer unit. (Depending where the circuit started) This known as the incoming supply
Then you have a live, neutral and an earth that go to the next light fitting known as out going supply (unless it is the last in the loop then they won't be one)
The next important cables are the live, neutral and earth, Switch wires. (supplying the live to your switch and then returning it to the light using the neutral cable this should have a brown sleeve on it, but they used to be tagged with red tape.
But sometimes they are red cables anyway and not black as it is not a neutral conductor. (becomes live when switched) and powers the light.
The incoming live is connected together with the out going red and red switch wire.
The incoming and out going neutrals are connected to the neutral side of the light/lamp (Blue wire in flex terminal)
The black tagged/sleeved switch wire is connected to the live side of light/lamp. (Brown wire in flex terminal)
In the switch: Live to common and Black with tag/sleeve to L1
All earths should be terminated together at light and terminated at switch.
Before harmonised colour where introduced Live=red and Neutral=Black Earth=Green, Green and Yellow
That's a standard loop-in circuit, junction boxes termination are different.
The Doctors has drawing in project section under electrical lights,swithes,wiring