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by kbrownie » Tue Jan 29, 2008 7:24 am

Hi tt,
Not a bad first effort, just missed one fitting and you can see in extreme cases how it can make a difference, but better than my first effort. I think I was copying of the lad next to me in class, then when he was off I was lost. Gone from second best in the class to dunce! But it's all about practise,knowledge and confidence. If you keep at it, it will click!
Like I said not a trick question just basic calcs. That was the reason for 35,40,50,60 and 70 watt lamps. Timesing everything by a 100 hardly tasking. But when you become more advanced that will all be explained to you and come second nature.
Good Luck with course and i'll look up the training college, can't say I know a lot about it. I have no doubt someone will.


by ericmark » Tue Jan 29, 2008 11:14 am

You are doing well. There is always a little debate as to exact figures. Which is why one should aways show how you arrive at a result. For example until I looked for maximum fuse sizes for GU10 fitting I thought 50 watt was the max not 75 watt but it would be a debate with could go on for a long time as we take 100 watt for a B22d bulb but they are available in 150 watt versions. So no exact answer as such always something we need to use some common sense on. As to 2381 this is to continue for a short time to allow re-takes etc. But it is 2382 which covers the 17th Edition and there are two main exams the full and the upgrade and unless you have 2381 you can't take upgrade. As a result be very careful on prices and what you enroll on. Also the 1 to 3 day courses are expensive compared with night class courses. I took 2 years full time study after I was already an electrician to become an electrical engineer and even than I am on lowest level many take up to another 4 years training yet the people you are looking at state they can do it in 3 days? You may get one qualification but you will not be trained as even an electrician. Many colleges do a set of 3 courses that run one after the other two at 12 weeks and one at 6 weeks these may be a better way to gain both the qualifications and give you time to consider each bit between the lessons. The 2382 and 2377-01/02 (both papers) are tick boxes and relatively easy but the 2392 is quite hard in compassion and may be beyond you without some hands on experience. BS 7671:2008 just arrived ordered Friday not bad.

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by tt » Tue Jan 29, 2008 10:17 pm

Thank you KB & Ericmark

I understand how I'm going to struggle with this if I do continue with these short 3/4/5 day courses I'v still got a job to keep up aswell plus the bills will not stop so I'm going out my way to fit this in aswell as 12 hour working days plus travelling, the instructor at the training centre said he'll help me out with the learning because I'm paying for it myself I'm aiming for the 2392 inspection and testing, is it the one that involves the reports and such like so with the advice and guidence from KB & ericmark i'l get there, so if you do weekends and need to pass on your knowlage I'l be more than happy to help.
All I can say is I'm not waisting your time I have started printing off what you've said for reference.
I should find out the date of my 2381 or 2 for the 17th edition tomorrow night,

I'l let you know as soon as,

Do you have another challange I can do KB or ericmark



by ericmark » Wed Jan 30, 2008 1:43 am

I found it was silly things. EEBADS caught me out. Equalpotental Earth Bonding and Automatic Disconnection of Supply. As soon as someone says it you twig but easy to miss. heres me will all the time in world taking it over 5 weeks and you who are pushed do it in 5 days. The 2382 is easy just keep reading book and you will get to know where everything is but the 2392 is quite hands on and easy to miss things. Like rubber grommet at top of consumer unit with one twin and earth. At the side it would pass but on top IPXXD i.e. 1mm. Also took ages to find a copy of GS38 to give 1mm point with finger guards and fuse for test leads with shrouded end for meter.

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by kbrownie » Wed Jan 30, 2008 4:13 pm

Hi tt,
thanks for the praise and i'm sure that we will offer as much help as possible. What i'll try to do is dig some sample papers up that i've got, I know I have got some on the 16th ed amd other stuff you may find interesting.

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