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by kbrownie » Thu Jan 24, 2008 9:19 am

I know just how you feel, them long days do take there toll and sitting in a classroom on an evening it's hard to concentrate. But it is worth it in the end!
May I offer some advise on books that might help you along.
Electrical Installation published by Heineman, Basic electrical Work by Trevor Linsey. these books cover level 2 2330 and have a lot of good info and some of the calculation. But best for calcs are A J Watkins books on Electrical Calculation, these go up in level starting at basic then getting more advanced.
Cable calcs need to be done using the tables in on-site and 16th/17th ed. but the formentioned books with give you good guidence on the procedures involved
Multi-Meters do the basic tests, continuity, resistance, and voltage and are quite cheap.
I have a Kewtech voltage tester that does everything the fluke equivelent does at half the price (Not a Multi)
Good Luck with your learning, this is great site for knowledge.


by ericmark » Thu Jan 24, 2008 10:40 am

The insulation needs testing with a meter able to test at 500 volt and continuity also needs a low ohm meter and the regulations also state how much current must flow which these meters. The Earth leakage must be tested with a meter that measures the time it takes to trips as well as tripping current and you may also need an earth loop impedance and prospective short circuit meter these are all available in a multimeter format where one meter does all functions including measuring volts. They cost around the £1000 in that format but many electricians get three meters to do the job. One has to consider if you need 110volt capability only the more expensive can be used with 110 (55-0-55) volt systems and sometimes even include phase rotation meter as well. Even the three leads and bridge to measure the resistance of earth rods. Also sizes of Earth leakage trips some will test 1 amp types fitted to generators. And with some you need to test PSC by changing position of leads and calculation and others you can just flick a switch. In general there were referred to as 16th Edition test sets. Even where three meters were used often they come in nice case containing all three meters. So yes there are multi-meters that will do the testing but not the AVO mark 8 type.

Posts: 182
Joined: Sun Nov 25, 2007 11:03 pm

by 333rocky333 » Thu Jan 24, 2008 9:04 pm

sorry kbrownie called you blakey for some reason

I ordered from AMAZON early dec, And paid, they have since put off delivery till near end of jan now , wish I had not used them now.

Posts: 18
Joined: Sat Aug 11, 2007 5:10 pm

by tt » Thu Feb 07, 2008 9:39 pm


I'v finially had a chance to look through the guide for part p and it states 300mm each end for a sink a 300mm the same for a hob and nothing to be position above

Thank you to anyone who replied to this post.

Posts: 182
Joined: Sun Nov 25, 2007 11:03 pm

by 333rocky333 » Thu Feb 07, 2008 11:11 pm

Remember that book is a GUIDE and may not be in the actual regs


by ericmark » Thu Feb 07, 2008 11:52 pm

Interesting what your book says. There is a problem in what is law, what is a regulation, and what is a recommendation. One foot (300mm) does make sense of course was that just a recommendation or a regulation? I do wonder about Part P as so much has changed in BS7671:2008 and now contradicts what is in free download version of Part P. With in turn says BS7671 must be followed. According to our instructor many of the books are not available at the moment because they are being updated to BS7671:2008 and I would be careful buying at the moment in case you end up with outdated version.
As to your maths I have also to start again I used an excel program to work it all out and now all the allowances have changed so starting again. Could not believe price of full 2382 course £275 and in 2004 my son paid £85 for same course thats some inflation. Lucky we can take short one so only £175 but still very expensive for 5 to 6 week part time course.

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