Worcester 28CDi Problem
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Worcester 28 Owner
Posts: 1
Joined: Sat Apr 21, 2007 11:07 am

Worcester 28CDi Problem

by Worcester 28 Owner » Sat Apr 21, 2007 11:33 am


Grateful for any advice.

My boiler is 4 years old and has average use - one person household.

A problem has started which is intermittent.

When I turn the boiler on sometimes everything is OK. The boiler works.

But then out of nowhere the CH Demand light will start flashing slowly and there is no hot water.

On a few occasions I've turned the boiler on and the flashing began straight away - other times it might start after a few minutes or even hours.

When the boiler is working and producing hot water it seems to stay working - at least for the time it takes to shower.

The central heating works when the light isn't flashing.

I have checked that the circuit board is dry - it is - no water anywhere.

My gas supply seems OK as well.

Fail point H in the manual doesn't seem to cover a situation where the boiler sometimes works.

Does anyone have experience or knowledge of this?

Many thanks for any advice

Worcester 28 Owner

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