waterproof wood composition sheets-ok with just varnish?
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waterproof wood composition sheets-ok with just varnish?

by yoozername » Tue Feb 26, 2008 10:56 am

[color=blue][b]low buget solution required!!
My concrete floor (approx 20square metres) needs warming up with floor covering of some kind - it has to be damp resistant AND easy clean -
(rural location, plus river plus dogs = mud)
I once had an entire attic room floored with large tongue and groove sheets of composition wood. (blockboard?) I liked the very smooth surface and kept it as the visible surface, without any varnish - it seemed to last very well with no probs.
I know this would be NO use in a damp location, as the ordinary blockboard sheets would disintegrate -
BUT I know waterproof and exterior kinds are available, and are much lighter and easier for an oap to manage, single handed, than marine ply.
PLEASE can anyone tell me - is there any reason you can think of - why
the dampproof sheets of this kind - might not be used...
if they are given a few coats of very durable varnish or floor paint - without any other additional surface? Perhaps add a few rugs - and nothing else?
They are much cheaper than all the laminates, lino etc
and as they are thick - they are good insulation too.
Any comments gratefully received!

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