by kbrownie »
Wed Feb 27, 2008 1:03 pm
Where is the power lost is to the light your switching or to lights in other areas.
The wires should be connected so;
All earths(green/yellow) together in earth terminal.
You then have 3 reds
One is an in-coming from previous light or fuse box
One is out going to next fitting offering it a live
One is a switch wire wired to the switch
All these reds are terminated together in the central connection strip in ceiling rose.
The 3 blacks are also in-coming, out going and switch.
The in-coming and blacks(neutrals) are connected to same side as the blue flex on light fitting, should be a 3 terminal connector
The black switch wire is contected to the brown flex side of light fitting, 2 terminal connector.
To identify your switch wires;
Continuity of the switch wires can be found be closing the switch (in on position)
then testing across one black and one red at ceiling rose until find correct combination . All this must be done with the circuit isolated.