Hot water for about two minutes!!!!!! Help!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Hot water for about two minutes!!!!!! Help!!!!!!!!!!!!

by candgchambers » Sun Apr 22, 2007 7:31 pm

My wife is losing the head with me, she has only got six weeks before she gives birth to our first and hot water system seens to have packed up, except it hasnt!

Something strange is going on with our hot water system. :?:

When you turn a hot tap on you get hot water for about two minutes then it goes cold and stays cold. Turn the tap off leave it a minute turn it back on and after a couple seconds of more cold water you get the hot water back for another two minutes, then its cold again. On checking the tank this will be full of hot water, not layers of hot and cold!!!! How why help!!

Now it is possible to run a bath like this you just keep turning the tap on and off, Gayle though does not see this as a soloution, no sense of adventure Women!!! :wink:

In all honesty Im stumped cant see how the cold water is getting into the system between the tank and taps? I did think it was the mixer taps, but not all taps would get the same fault at the same time.



Posts: 3
Joined: Sun Apr 15, 2007 1:13 am

hot water for short period of time

by nekkon21 » Thu Apr 26, 2007 3:11 am

i assume your using the immersion ? , it could be either you have the immersion set to sink instead of bath ? , that the thermostat on top of the tank is faulty and is tripping out the heating of the water or you have a faulty immersion .Hope this gives a helping hand ?

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