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Posts: 1
Joined: Fri Mar 14, 2008 2:17 pm


by Hardhat » Fri Mar 14, 2008 2:31 pm

Hi all,
We have a developer next to us that has built 4 houses. They then fenced them off (down my boundary) without giving me any party wall notice.

I intend to build a brick building up to the boundary, and have served them a party wall notice, but they dispute it on the grounds that i haven't given enough info. I was also told to deal with there surveyors and I need to pay the fee for their surveyor? I have since given all the info they requested and because I have refused to pay their surveyors fees, they don't want to give me the permission for the party wall act. Where do I stand? If I have to employ a surveyor and they use there surveyor, (as per part wall act, disputes) I still have to pay my surveyor so that won't achieve much, i still end up paying, wether theirs or mine. Up until this point I have done nothing wrong, but they have? where do I stand on this?
many thanks,
Paul (hardhat)