I'm almost ready to move a bedroom Rad to the oposite wall, due to deco etc:- This is on a sealed system. Was hoping to get a few more pointers prior to doing the job, mainly on draining down the system. I know how to refill through the filling loop as i've removed a Rad before, but never done a drainoff.
This is the steps I will take - please advise or ammend if this is not correct - Thanks
(1) turn off Combi power
(2) Turn off Stopcock (clockwise)
(3) Fit a self cutting valve on downstairs kitchen rad (got no drain valves)
(4) shut both valves off on all upstairs Rads, apart from the one i'm movin
(5) open all upstairs bleed valves to help with the drain flow.
(6) Finally drain the system via the newly fitted valve
That's about all i've got. After draining, will the Rad i'm moving still have water in it. It's a big rad and i may struggle to empty it on my own?
Thanks for any help