by sparx »
Sat Mar 22, 2008 3:03 pm
Hi as said there is no deliberate standard but most of use use our own way, personally I use red/black for power to PIRs, blue/yellow for alarm circuit and white/green for tamper, [N/C in all cases to meet standards].
First look in one pir for connections to establish power connections colours, then find alarm pair and tamper pair.
I just connect to power pair for each outgoing set from panel using alarm battery and walk around until I find which pir 'flashes' it's LED at me, mark cable and do another one. If, as can be, there is no LED then put a ohm meter across alarm pair of circuit that you are checking and get 'assistant' to do walk test and note meter change.
I just did this for a local youth club and found after doing so that all worked out fine except the old bell box was incompatible with new panel!! In future will buy matching set of bell/panel!
good luck SPARX