by qwertyking »
Tue Mar 25, 2008 2:24 pm
Sorry, my first post was probably not the best.
System description:
- Two Tanks in the loft
- Central Heating only works when the Hot Water is on
- There is a Hot Water Cylinder Upstairs
- There is an output from the boiler to the Hot Warter Cylinder, which then coils in the Cylinder and then goes back to the boiler (I presume this pipe is also the Central Heating Pipe)
So it is an In-Direct System, but not a combi boiler as I first said.
- The Kitchen Hot water tap has limited pressure, when I leave the tap shut for a few mins and then open it there is a bit of pressure, but this dies down after a while.
- Seems like there is air in the system as when I open the downstairs toilet tap air always splurts out with water for a few seconds. But this has no impact on the kitchen pressure, i.e. if there is air in the downstairs toilet tap or not the kitchen pressure remains the same.
Any ideas?