After recently removing a fairly old (probably mid-80's) toilet to re-plaster the wall behind it, I found that on re-installing it, the flush is now very lazy. Although the flow from the cistern seems about the same, instead of the bowl filling to about half way and then emptying with a strong flow, it now fills to about 3/4's and empties so slowly that there isn't really enough flow to move solids effectively.
After reading a number of forums, I have checked the soil pipe to see that it is clear and have poured a number of buckets of water directly into the pan and had the same lazy effect.
Now given my attachment to a square, plumb coloured toilet suite is not that strong, I am looking to replace it with a more contemporary one. However, before I do this I wanted to ensure that I don’t just walk into exactly the same problem with the new one. Could the problem be that, as a novice, I am doing something really wrong or could simply removing and refitting an old toilet mess up its internals (which must be pretty well furred up by now!).
Am I missing something or is it about time to retire the old girl?
Thanks, Simon.