Seimens washing machine problems-please help!
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Seimens washing machine problems-please help!

by Rayo » Fri Apr 11, 2008 11:29 am

I have a Seimens WXLM 1260 GB washing machine which has started to act up.
As I rarely go anywhere near the thing, some of what I am going to explain is 2nd hand information but I am confident I have all the relevent details.
The machine started making a whining noise at the end of the final spin cycle and a clunking noise was also heard.
Since then no water would enter the machine at the start of the cycle.
I emptied the filter and drained off the excess water through the small drainage pipe.
This seemed to work and the programme started. However despite the programmes 'clicking' through the cycle, nothing else happened.
When I moved the cycle forward to spin in order to get rid of the water already in the machine , it drained the water off but wouldn't spin.

Something very similar happened many moons ago with a hotpoint and I replaced the brushes. I'm hoping it's something as simple as that, although it would appear far more difficult to access them on a Siemens.

Hope someone can be of help.

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Joined: Wed Dec 05, 2007 3:15 pm

by Rayo » Sat Apr 12, 2008 11:26 am

I can see some people are taking a look at my post but nobody has an answer for me.
So I'll try a different route to solving it.
I'm assuming it is the brushes and I'll have a go at replacing them myself.
Looking at where they are housed, it seems impossible to remove them. The block that houses the brushes is fixed to the motor casing and the fixing screw is inaccessible. There just isn't enough room to work a screwdriver in there. Unless there is a piece of kit specifically for the job!

Can anyone shed any light on this or offer a solution to how I'm going to be able to get at the brushes?

Thanks again.....hope someone can help!

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by TheDoctor5 » Tue Jan 20, 2009 10:21 am

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