soundproofing or ear muffs?
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soundproofing or ear muffs?

by melvin » Mon Apr 07, 2008 11:30 am

The old semi detached Victorian house next door is being converted into flats. I'm looking forward to listening to Kylie and Maddonna tunes after coming home from my night shift. Not to mention the marital harmony discussions and the feed me sounds of a new baby. My first thought was to buy two pairs of ear muffs, one for me and one for the wife. At least this way I would have an excuse for not hearing her latest idea for decorating the bedroom.
On a more serious note. I need to make sure the sound proofing is adequate. Having done a bit of research. An increase of 15 to 16 decibels (db) will do the job. I've given their builder this spec and a product name that would meet the spec. However, the builder replies that. "In order to comply with building regulations we must install the following".

Install 50mm x 50mm timber batons to walls.
Fill with Rockwool insulation.
Fit 12.5mm plasterboard.
Install second layer of 12.5mm soundblock plasterboard.

Can anyone tell me what the building regulation is for this situation? and secondly does this proposed remedy give me the 15/16db protection?

p.s the dividing wall is single brick.

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Joined: Mon Mar 24, 2008 12:01 pm

by Degsy » Sun Apr 13, 2008 9:59 am

I have this very same issue in my house. Next door have recently converted to rented accommodation and we have a 9" solid party wall. (and a regular 3am hungry baby) They had removed plaster and dry-lined with acoustic p/board thus creating a drumming effect which amplifies the sound rather than deaden it. Under the building regs material alterations only cover Parts A (Structure) B (fire) and M (Disabled Access) but unfortunately not part E (Sound). So the answer to your first Question is its not notifiable to Building Control and therefore they have no enforcement powers.

The 2nd part of your question I can tell you the spec which I am going to use.

1. Scratch coat the bare brickwork to ensure no holes to brickwork joints.
2. Acoustic insulation to the wall held in place by
3. independant studding (Probably metal) which is not fixed to the wall
4. 15mm Acoustic Plasterboard and skimmed.

This method will loose you approx 95mm. I'm sure there are a million sound consulatants out there that will design you a full spec but i'm sure it will cost a whole lot more and result in a lot more work for negligable difference in sound insulation.

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