Hello everyone, its my first time on here,
I've recently had a new conservatory fitted, when the sparks turned the power off he told me I had some Black rubber wiring in the circuit board and needed to get it removed,
I had another electrician in who said that my house shouldn't have it in it as it was built in the 60's, he said it was easier to rewire the whole downstairs (by chasing in the walls or putting trunking everywhere) rather than find out how much there is and quoted £800.
The question I've got is how urgent do I need to replace this wire, I know it hasn't got the coating of modern wire but visibly there is only 1/2 a foot from the circuit board which then goes under the stairs ( I understand there's a hell of a lot more) so it won't be disturbed or damaged in anyway at all.
Please help (I'm skint from the conservatory) and pulling my hair out,