Hi all i need some advice so if anybody can help, it will be well appreciated.
i have been asked to run and electric wire for a shower and put some spotlights.
the house has two consumer units one next to the meter and second one is about 13 meters away.
The second consumer is powered by a 6mm twin and earth cable, white sheathed oldskook , which runs from the first consumer unit and is on a 50amp mcb.
I have no means of running a swa, other wise i would have fed the second consumer unit with a 16mm swa.
The shower is a 9kw and second consumer units has lights and power sockets running off it.
if i run the shower off the second consumer unit, i doubt enough power is coming through a 6mm twin and earth.
What can i do can i double 2 6mm wires and but them on an mcb in the first consumer unit to feed the second one?
if i do double them then the lenghth of both cables will not be the same difference will be about 5/6 meters.
Old 6mm cable runs through joice and is about 12/13 meters long.
i can run a second 6mm cable which will run through the loft and will be buried in wall about 3 meters but length will about 15/16 meters, and atleast 2 meters will be outside on the external wall.
Please can some body help me as i need to get it certified as well so, need to do it to legal standards.