by bazza »
Mon Apr 21, 2008 1:12 pm
hi htg engineer sorry my mistake yes i did meen cistern oops: ah ah ye i got a 15 to 12mm reducer and connecting it wasnt a problem and now ive changed the siphon getting it to flush is ok to its just the braided type filling hose inside the cistern which is connected to the valve is held in place by a plastic hook on a circular fitting which sits inside the top of the overflow pipe therefor blocking the overflow which is wat i am now worried about thats why i want to change the valve for a standard torbeck but the hole isnt big enough and a freind of mine has some diamond tip drill bits for cutting porcalene and glass so wud it be ok to drill cistern or not reccomended. hope this makes sense the toilet is working fine now but if the valve ever fails thers nowhere for the water to go except over the top and flooding the house and thats wat im worried about cheers mate bazza