Checked these out at maplins. The strips can be broken off at points - every three leds. Each set of three leds has a resistor, and each has a + and - marking at the start and end.
I want to put these under my upper kitchen cupboards, running power from plug socket through 12v power supply. I've the fitted end removed from the supply and cable cut back. I have other cable bought to run the length of the cupboards.
All I need to know now is that I won't mess it up by doing something wrong. I assume that I attach the two cables from the power supply to the + and - markings at the start of the strip. What happens next? Do I complete the circuit by connecting the other two +/- points to each other?
I know I'm a novice at this, as with all my projects - but I don't make mistakes 'cos I always get help and advice first, so please don't give me a hard time if I'm going way off mark with this.
Thanks in advance for your help