by ericmark »
Tue May 13, 2008 5:09 pm
Your first job is to identify your system.
If I asked the fuse second to left has blown do you know what it’s for you would quite rightly ignore it.
So is it a combi boiler and if so what make and model? And what size piping.
If not combi what system is it running. Closed or Open. C, W, Y, or S plan. What valves if any are fitted and what pumps are fitted.
Central heating is improving every month, Sterling engines that also produce electricity, New heat exchangers where the hot water stored is central heating water and domestic hot water is instantly heated as it travels through the heat store with secondary heat exchanges for solar panels or immersion heaters connected to photo volcanic cells. Even heat pumps and chilling units with forced air radiators. In some cases controlled by mini computers. Even the boilers have moved on from the original on/off boiler to the variable out put three stage condensing boiler where a heat pump extracts the last little bits of heat from the exhaust system.
And as yet I have not left gas fired. As we move to oil again we have the oil engine where heat is extracted while cooling the engine and the electrical power may be used for other domestic uses or for under floor or ceiling heating systems.
There is no such thing as a standard system, even the combi boilers change make to make in the way it is all controlled. And are available in both open and closed systems.
The fuse by the way controlled the cig lighter in my car and as a result my lap top went flat as the inverter stopped working!!!!