Hi everyone!
I am really sorry-I have not read up about this at all, but we recently opted for a new loft conversion and thought we would get a new small bathroom upstairs too. However, we were kinda haggled into getting an electric shower by our builder, who has put a 10mm lead to the power supply from upstairs, but now he wants us to pay for the electrician's work.
However, there are only 4 switches (RCD? You can see I know nothing!!!) on the fuse box and they are as follows:
Cooker 32A
Plugs 32A
Downstairs lights 6A
Upstairs 6A
No spare!!!
BUT...we have a gas cooker, and don't need the cooker electrics!
So, is it possible for electricians to change the cooker supply and connect the shower? The builder-given electrician says it isn't and seems adamant on getting us a new board and billing us half a grand in the process!
Any suggestions!
Thanks-sorry again for my complete ignorance!!!