fitting a new light in the bathroom. isolated the supply to the loop at the mcb (pressed the button to trip it, didn't actually remove it), tested it with my voltmeter, something like 0.9 volts so obviously a tiny trickle is coming from somewhere.
once i've tested and i'm certain that the line is dead i quickly touch the wires (not to be advocated i know!) but just as one final check... better to get a shock when expecting it!
so i cut into the T&E wire and the elcb trips. this has also happened on other circuits. i know that the wires are copper and my cutters are steel and when two different metals come into contact a minute current can flow.
so if my steel cutters are creating enough current when bridging the earth and neutral as i cut into the T&E is that enough to trip a 30mA elcb? or is it to do with the 0.9 volts still flowing when isolated? when i get my meter back on the wires after the elcb has tripped there is 0.0 volts.
i guess that i need to fully isolate the supply at the main rather than the mcb just curious as to why this happens.