by EyeTry »
Thu Jun 26, 2008 11:45 am
You are. Bleach for domestic use will not harm glaze - otherwise the manufacturers would be getting sued big time and sanitary appliance manufacturers would need warning notices plastered on their loo`s and urinals and bidets etc. Prove the point with an old or out of favour glazed drinking mug, pour half an inch of bleach in it and put it somewhere out of reach of children, pets, and `er in doors.
When you add bleach to a loo you tend to flush after a few hours anyway (my wife also tends to add some before we go away on holiday so that can be in for a month and it certainly doesn`t affect the glaze!!)
Leave the mug for a couple of days then pour the bleach down the loo or the sink and flush or rinse clean. Gently wash the mug clean - don`t want to splash any bleach around do we - and then look for any line or difference in the glaze where you had that half an inch of bleach.
When there is none just accept your prize from `er in doors ang give her a hug to show you`re not big-headed at being right. Cheers, EyeTry