by BLAKEY1963 »
Sun Jul 13, 2008 6:51 pm
[quote="davidbee76"]I've got a break somewhere in the neutral wiring of my ring main. I've checked for any loose wires in the sockets. How do I find out where the break is without employing an electrician who wants to charge me by the hour to find it? Thanks for any advice.[/quote]
U need a continuity tester , a low omh rated omh meter, to
test between the neutral conductors.
if u test end to end of neutral at any one point then a low
reading of say 0.50 omh should be obtained .
testing from point to point will find the fault.
NO disrespect this is normaly done with proper equpment
by trained personel.
u need to follow safe isolation proceedures and turn off
the mains while doing any dead testing.
if u do not possess the item of equipment needed , u need
to get in your electrician .