A fault developed in my split load unit after a vacuumn cleaner, which may have been faulty, was plugged in and tripped the RCD [Wylex rcd 80a 30ma type WRS80/2]
After disconnection of the cleaner the RCD would not accept being reset.
That circuit was isolated but the rcd could still not be reset.
Worse, and to cut a long story short , another ring main now trips the unit as does the immersion heater circuit.
One of the circuits is not directly controlled by the RCD but presumably is picking up the leakage via the common connected neutrals.
My query is:
Is it possible for the rcd to be weakened as against outright failure and trip on an even lower ma reading ie less than 30ma?
I am puzzled that circuits which were perfectly OK before are now causing problems but it is still unaffected by others.
Any advice would be appreciated.