Help - I've got a 3year old Hagar consumer unit UECOS48-6H It's performed faultlessly up until now but in recent weeks it has taken to tripping the RCD Controlled Circuits switch at varying times - middle of the night and mornings - this appears to bear no relation to the devices connected - we have tried isolating all devices linked to the ground floor circuits - and it only trips the ground floor and never the three trips associated with the ground floor i.e. 1) Smoke Alarm, B6. 2) Ground Floor Circuits, B32 3) Kitchen sockets B32. Never anything else.
The one device we have kept plugged in is a fridge freezer which I put an RCD plug safety device on - thinking that if it was the fridge freezer it would trip first but No... RCD trips anyway leaving all other trips on.
The line to ouside loads - eg lights is isolated and the fault continues.
When the RCD is returned to live it never trips out until the next time...
Does anyone have any ideas about further fault finding???
Regards Paul